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Writer's pictureKarla Margeson

A Marketer's Guide to Making Great Infographics on a Shoestring Budget

If you’re like most of our clients right now, you’re being asked to do a lot with a little. (What else is new when it comes to content marketing, right?) 

One surefire way to get some good bang for your buck is to create infographics that boost your brand’s visibility and capture coveted leads. They’re magnetic, they’re shareable, and they can be repurposed across all kinds of channels. I mean it: email, blogs, social, LinkedIn, your website, and more. When it comes to scale, that kind of leverage is a slam dunk. 

Image of Marketing Content Team

Let’s look at a few of the top tips for creating infographics that are visually stunning and shareable enough to catapult your brand into the limelight. 

Buckle up, let’s go. 

Tip 1: Know Your Audience

Before you start working on the content for your infographic, pause to consider your intended audience. Not just in general, but specifically for this piece. 

What matters to them? What do they worry about? What do you wish they knew? Are they authenticity-hungry Gen Zers? Tech-savvy millennials? Tech-resistant old schoolers? Perhaps most importantly, what’s the “so what” in the message for them?

Match the density, tone, and content of your piece to their level of receptivity and their needs. 

Tip 2: Keep It Simple

Remember, you're not creating the Mona Lisa; you're crafting a digestible, shareable piece of content. Keep your infographic simple and to the point. 

The biggest mistake marketers make with infographics is overthinking it. We try to cram a whole product marketing campaign into an 8x10 visual piece. When really, a visual that brings a single headline or value prop to life would probably do. (After all, we don’t need them to marry us upon seeing this infographic. As Amy says, we just need them to swipe right.)

An example: Maybe your SaaS platform improves customer workflows in all sorts of interesting and detailed ways. Is that a great thing for a customer to know? Yes. But it’s going to be hard to convey in a one-page visual design. Instead, you could highlight the result of that efficiency, comparing hours it takes to do the work without your platform to the hours it takes to do it with. A cute scale with the balance obviously tipped in your favor with a few choice words to highlight the sentiment should be enough to get a viewer curious to learn more about your brand.

Tip 3: Craft a Compelling Story

Now that you know who you’re messaging to and you’ve set some priorities for what you want to convey, you’re ready to start working on your actual content. 

I am a writer and editor, so I could be biased, but it’s always easiest for me to start with words. I have to be careful not to let myself get carried away with a bunch of prose or long paragraphs of product marketing copy, though. When it comes to infographics, less copy is truly more. 

Write a few headlines and call-out sentences. The rest you can massage once you’re in design. 

Tip 4: Create Killer Visuals

People are visual creatures, so make your graphics pop! 

I’m lucky to be resourced with very talented graphic designers, so this is usually where I hand the piece off. But if your DIYing, don’t fret! Investing in high-quality icons, images, and illustrations and using a tool like Canva or Piktochart can go a long way. Stick to a cohesive (on-brand) color scheme, choose a font that’s super readable, and try not to let things get too cluttered on screen. 

Tip 5: Make Content Bits Bite-Sized 

Think of your infographic content in terms of bite-sized chunks. Break down complex information into easily digestible bits. Use bullet points, icons, and charts to convey your message succinctly. The goal is to provide value without overwhelming your audience. You want them to grasp the concept within a fairly quick glance.

Tip 6: Consider the Shareability Quotient

Boost your infographic's shareability by incorporating social media-friendly elements. Create versions in aspect ratios favored by Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok. Add share buttons directly on the graphic or create teaser images for platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. Encourage your audience to pass the graphic along to their own followers by captioning your own share with a thought-provoking question that sparks conversation. 

Tip 7: Add CTAs and Contact Information

The visual element of your infographic often steals the spotlight. Good! Let it. But be ready by embedding a clear call-to-action (CTA) directly into the visual piece. Whether it's "Unlock Your Free Trial Now" or "Experience Efficiency, Start Your Demo," make the CTA specific, relatable, and seamlessly integrated into the design. And don’t forget to include a URL the audience can type in, in case the graphic gets shared independently of any connection to your socials or site.

Tip 8: Optimize for Mobile 

Let’s face it: Scrolling on smartphones is the norm. You have to optimize your infographic for mobile viewing. Ensure that your graphics and text are easily readable on smaller screens, so your audience can enjoy and share your content on the go.

Tip 9: Promote Like a Pro

Don't let your masterpiece gather digital dust—shout it from the virtual rooftops! Share your infographic across all your marketing channels. That might mean making a webpage that houses the whole thing, a graphic + caption version to post on social media, and a downloadable PDF your sales team can attach to their emails. 

Tip 10: Print It Out and Put It on the Fridge

Okay, this tip probably won’t make a lick of difference in your virality or campaign performance. We just don’t get to do this kind of thing much as adults. So, I say give it a whirl.

Crafting a successful and shareable infographic doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. With a dash of creativity, a sprinkle of strategy, and a dollop of visual appeal, you'll be cruising towards brand success in no time. 

Not in the mood for DIY? We can help. Don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

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